Discovery Flight

A discovery flight is an introduction flight. This is your first time up in a small airplane to get the feel for it and get to take control of an airplane for the first time. This is also your opportunity to try out the instructor to get a feel for how flight instruction will go.

We will schedule a 2-hour window to be able to go over everything you need to know to prepare to enter flight training. Should you decide to enroll, you can go in with eyes wide open. As a part of this, we will go out to the airplane where you will get an overview of what a preflight inspection looks like while I complete it, then we will go up in the airplane and out to the practice area. Here you will get to go hands-on and learn some straight and level flight, turns, climbs, and descents.

After that, I will bring us back to the airport where we can go over the flight, answer any questions you may have, provide you with your first logbook, entry in the logbook, and a picture with the airplane. The total in air flight time will be approximately 30 minutes.

Cost: $200