Ferry Services

We are happy to provide ferry services for airplane single-engine and multi-engine land piston aircraft. While we will provide a custom quote for each request, we can provide some general pricing for transparency.


Pilot Day Rate Single-Engine: $350
Pilot Day Rate Multi-Engine: $500

All incurred expenses are in addition to the pilot day rate and are to be covered by the hiring party with receipts provided. Examples are airfare to and from the pilot’s home airport, transport to and from airfields if needed, fuel and oil for the ferry plane, and any lodging required for the trip along with tie-down rates for the plane for overnights. Any maintenance issues arising during the transport are the responsibility of the owner.


All available logbooks (POH & MX) are required to be provided, preferably in a PDF format, for the airplane at least 48 hours before the flight for review. The ferry pilot is to be added as a named pilot on the owners’ insurance policy for the trip and a copy provided to the ferry pilot. All navigation databases need to be up to date for the flight.


A full flight briefing will be presented to the owner before the flight takes place. All flights will be conducted under VFR conditions during daylight if at all possible. Refueling stops will be made approximately every 3 hours to prevent fuel starvation and pilot fatigue. A maximum of 10 hours of flight time per day will be flown if just 1 pilot is on board. Additional costs may be incurred if you wish for more flight hours in a day and additional pilots to be on board.

I have a roster of pilots all over the country with different experience and ratings to pull from so we can handle many different aircraft. The pilot reserves the right to refuse or delay any flight for safety.