Flight Review

Flight Review Legality:

Flight reviews will be conducted under Part 61.65 of the FAR. A flight review consists of a minimum of 1 hour of flight training and 1 hour of ground training. The review MUST include:

  1. A review of the current general operating and flight rules of Part 91 and;

  2. A review of the maneuvers and procedures that, at the discretion of the person giving the review, are necessary for the pilot to demonstrate the safe exercise of the privileges of the pilot’s current certificate.

What To Expect:

We will at the very minimum complete and meet the requirements of 61.65 of 1 hour of flight and ground. If that is enough or if more is needed will be dependent on the knowledge and proficiency of the pilot.


We will start by having you give a brief overview of the plane we will be using for the flight. You will be expected to know at the very least Vx, Vy, and Vso, in addition to the avionics and systems of the plane. We will touch on principles of flight, aeromedical, airspaces, and emergency procedures. I do not expect you to be perfect or know everything, but I do expect you to have a healthy grasp of the knowledge to make sound decisions and I enter this with the belief that you already have it and we are just confirming that.


If you are rusty and need training we can always do that first. For the flight review sign off though I will be testing with the ACS in mind. While I will not hold you to the exact standards of the ACS like in a check ride, I do expect you to be close and most of all safe. You will be expected to perform to the level of your highest certificate held, Private or Commercial, and the flight will be based on that certificate. For the Private level, you can expect soft field and short field takeoffs and landings, power off and power on stalls, slow flight, steep turns, emergency procedures, and either turns around a point or S turns. For the Commercial level, you can expect the same as the Private level but with a power-off 180 to land from altitude which we will discuss further in detail in person. Again, I am not looking for perfection but you should be able to be reasonably close to performing at the level of your certificate with safety being the absolute most important.

I reserve the right to add or subtract from the flight maneuver list at my discretion.

Cost: $50 per hour of instruction. I charge a block rate, not based on the Hobbs. If we book 2hrs, I charge 2hrs. I do this so that no one feels rushed or pressured by time and money. Flight instruction is billed separately from aircraft rental and that is charged by the Hobbs.